Kids these days…
Avocados used to be an important resource in the tech industry, since they were the only reliable source of new mouse balls.
After the invention of optical mice, experiments showed that the flesh around the mouse ball has an alternative use, for keeping millenials too poor to revolt.I don’t really want to look at this man.
Who tf is this goober
You’re allowed to say “kill” on the internet.
not on tiktok you’re not
Then go somewhere else
The biazzaro rules of TikTok censorship will forever impact the language English and I mourn it
You’re allowed to obfuscate it too.
S*re b*t wh*?
Let’s start obfuscating all our words so we don’t offend anyone!
I didn’t mean to use a trigger word. Sorry for any distress I caused you.
Leave the bl*ggers out of this
Hard R, yikes
Sire bit who?
Yer mum
In this case it looks like the original was on Tiktok, which from my understanding does not like people saying things like “kill”
Whatever your reason, I support your right to have it.
Corporate-owned media can get fucked. Adapting vocabulary to the whims of their feckless advertisers is complicity.
People get real offended when you call them a waste of oxygen.
*k** *'m g**ng t* wr*t* l*k* th*s n*w.
You c*nt, doing it that frequently isnt funny its obnoxious
I can’t? Or are you calling me a cent?
Or speaking in cant?
Same with the miniature furniture they give you in pizza boxes. I only ever seem to get the tables.
In some parts of Canada they use a ball of dough instead. No plastic waste + bonus bread ball = far superior to the little table no matter how cute it is
What’s even the point of that? The little table doesn’t do shit.
It’s meant to keep the top of the box from sagging down and messing up the pizza. Not usually a problem on smaller boxes but happens a lot with larger ones.
I had gone to some pizza place years ago (in Santa Cruz I think) that has chairs to go with the table.
I got a hockey net last time.
Can we all just take a moment and look at wtf is going on with that ear?
it looks like an earphone.
I do not want to look
FYI you can cram the seed into some dirt and grow your own avocado tree! Apparently needs a different tree to cross pollinate if you ever want it to make new avocados though
Worth mentioning it’ll fruit in half a decade, twice that if it isn’t GMO
Easier To clean at least than the ones the peach people put in.
Those get stuck far more often as well.
Anyone else wanna yank that piercing out
I don’t get the joke. Does he deserve punishment because he has a piercing?
Did you think that was a joke? We’re allowed to be annoyed by things other people do.
I understand that we don’t have to like the piercing he chose to get. But he didn’t have to get a piercing on his fucking face and then post social media content cropping basically everything else out…
Is it hurting anyone? Why are you so annoyed by somebody else’s piercing that you want to, as you claim, actually rip it out of his face? And then to actually say (or in your case, agree with) something like that on the internet for all to see… that’s incredibly intolerant.
Woah, woah woah. Slow down there, Captain Strawman. I never said I wanted to rip it out of their face, nor did agree with the other comment! In case it was too long for you to read or comprehend, let me rewrite it: “they are allowed to have facial piercings, I’m allowed to be annoyed by them.”
I’m also annoyed by the sun, and car alarms, and people who mispronounce words; I’m not advocating violence against any of those! If the boomers had left housing even somewhat affordable, I’d say get the hell off my lawn…
P1: “Anyone else want to yank that piercing out?”
P2: “I don’t get the joke…”
P3 (you): “Did you think that was a joke?”
I apologize if I have misunderstood you, but that reads like agreement to me.
I swear, I’m really not trying to pick a fight but they said “I want to…” Wishful thinking. Picking apart the wording of a comment I didn’t even write or agree with that isn’t itself illegal, advocating violence, or against a communy’s rules seems pointless…
To your edit: I stand by that. There is no joke. That person (I assume) has an illogical feeling that they want to rip it out… I’ve had the same intrusive thoughts standing at the edge of a high-up structure! If they actually do commit violence? Lock them up. Obviously…
Idk. I think it stops being an innocent intrusive thought once you’ve said it out loud on a public forum. It just feels mean spirited and rude. It’d be like saying “I hope he does a flip” out loud while in a crowd watching somebody about to jump off a building. Sure, he probably didn’t hear you, but it’s still fucked up and not okay. Maybe not that bad since nobody is at the risk of dying in the comment’s case, but you probably get my point. Intrusive thoughts should be kept to yourself.
That said, I apologize for misinterpreting what you said as agreeing with them.
I just wonder… If he face plants… Will it be more painful? Like driving that into your cheek bone seems like it would be uncomfortable.
… does it have a backing? How’s that work?
As far as I know it has a backing that sits under the skin. Those types of piercing are supposedly very sensitive so it might migrate or reject entirely if it gets knocked
No. I do think it’s ugly though. My guy really needs to pick a different color. At first I thought he had like an open wound with the skin hanging off or something. Maybe it looks better in person.
I want to slap every one of these people that post a picture of their face with some text over it that has nothing to do with their face.
I don’t use tik Tok, but I assume it was a video. I don’t care for it much, but should maybe save the mass slapping for those screwing over healthcare or rent/mortgage costs. Some people use video calls, I do not. Doesn’t mean I slap them for calling me that way, I just don’t pick up or only answer with voice.
How does one stop the brainrot from taking over society then?
Education and healthcare one should hope. The issue is time. We need to educate both parents and kids, while leaving the freedoms to choose (unless the choice directly impacts the health of others). So the issue with a lot of this “brain rot” as people call it to me is 1. A bit exaggerated do the not knowing, just a bit though. 2. Parental controls exist, but the parents weren’t educated during a time period when these parental controls existed. Sorry kids, but you don’t have full freedoms until you turn legal age. Guardians must be taught how to effectively block and monitor what is being consumed and in which formats it is being consumed. Researched well rounded data and not hysteria needs to be well documented and available to everyone. Databases created but not monitized or for profit. These databases should include sites and media sources in groups similar to how we use them in proxy filters for large businesses. Then guardians can choose what groups they want blocked and what hours/limits etc they want on this information and format type. Next comes user suggestions and vetting processes to have new sites or routings added to groups so guardians do not have to be on top of everything everywhere all of the time. If a site is blocked the child should be able to request approval, which then the parental controls apps receives a notification for review so they can click approve which would punch a hole for IP/DNS. Who when and what they are consuming can be easily regulated (some parents may set it to block all data usage during school days and hours and only allow phone calls to direct family/friends for their emergency contacts, that’s up to them, but for those who worry about kids using their phone in school, fixed). The next step is educating the kids. How and why things get and keep their attention. Why they can be harmful, how to avoid those things if left up to their own accords. Also as they age, what can be motives behind keeping their attention, money/influence? How that influence impacts purchasing. Poof, we’ve entered into how to integrate the introduction to marketing into their lectures. Also, how to help their guardians use parental controls for those who have younger siblings. This can bring into many conversations pertaining to security, whether it be information or even authentication methods for accessing data online in a safe and secure manner.
Just some rough thoughts thrown together. If someone fleshes it out, then you create non-profit or .gov site that updates and presents tutorial videos on how to best enact all of this for guardians and populous. Links to the available solutions and most up to date versions for Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, standard Linux distros and even routers if the parents are preferring that. It could show them how to block ads at the router to ensure their children are not being influenced by advertisements they don’t want their kids to be seeing.
(Some of this can be repurposed obviously) And reused to protect older non technical individuals from accidently stumbling into things families decide aren’t best for them. Grandma maybe doesn’t like porn adverts, grandpa keeps clicking on silver singles in his area and getting scammed, who knows. Compile, research, make available. No cost. For the benefits of the society