St. Louis - Donald Trump, with permission from President Elon Musk, has enacted his latest executive order, essentially removing all DEI hires from every chessboard in America. The US Chess Federation is currently adhering to the order, but plans to fight it in courts in the coming weeks. We took to chessboards across the country to see how chess pieces were feeling about Musk’s latest order.

“I think it’s about time we leveled the playing field,” said a white knight who happened to be a blood relative to the King. “The other side was just hiring black knights to fill a space. Those guys aren’t nearly as qualified as me when it comes to moving in L-shapes.”

The front row whites also showed excitement for the changes coming to the game. Every pawn we spoke to mentioned the ‘high hopes’ they had for their future on the board.

“This is a win for the little guy,” one white pawn said. “The chances of me making it to the other side and getting a promotion have gone way way way up. Maybe one day I can make it into the back row myself.”

Not all pieces are too happy about the new order. White Queen felt blindsided about the changes to the game.

“What the fuck, I’m considered DEI? I thought it was just the black pieces,” the white queen said. “This is bullshit. Who was moving around the board making all the moves? Me. Who was saving the sorry King from all the checks and from getting checkmated? Me. I worked my ass off for that side of the board and this is how I get thanked? Getting tossed aside in favor of some stupid moron who can only move one space at a time. Fuck you and fuck this game.”

At press time Trump had asked permission from President Musk to sign a new executive order, allowing the King to move wherever he wanted. Musk replied he would look into it.

  • BmeBenji@lemm.eeOP
    7 days ago

    Again, if you think initiatives that are seeking to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion are about hiring people exclusively based on race or gender, you are absolutely wrong.

    The reason that diversity in the workplace is actually valuable is because it leads to more doctors asking “hey, why is it that black parents and their infants are almost 3 times more likely to die during childbirth than a white parent and their infant?” The way that we get from where we are to a world where that question is asked more frequently and a solution to that problem is sought more rigorously is by asking the similar question “why are only 5.7% of doctors black while 12% of the nation is black?” and seeking a solution to that problem; and, this is very important though it seems like you already understand this part, hiring someone because of their race or their anatomy does not solve that problem in the slightest and only leads to new problems.

    Solutions to the problem of too few black doctors include primarily things like proactively recruiting from locations with a higher percentage of black residents, or eliminating unconscious biases from resume reviewers by removing the name of the applicant from the resume before it’s reviewed. These initiatives have never and will never be about hiring more people based on certain biologic characteristics, but about breaking the cycle of racist and sexist systems that make unqualified white men more likely to be hired than a very qualified black woman.

    This is not forced diversity. If you think it is then you never actually learned what it is you’re arguing against.

    Edit/Addendum: I don’t care if this is anarchy chess. If you’re going to argue against initiatives seeking to increase diversity and equity, then you better fucking know what they are because you currently might as well be yelling into the void about how you hate it when people put motor oil on their meatball sandwiches because nobody fucking does that.