Fun fact: carrots aren’t good for rabbits. We only link them because of Bugs Bunny, who was parodying a popular movie of the time, Clark Gable in It Happened One Night
First, Bugs is also responsible for the word “Nimrod” meaning “moron”. Nimrod is a great hunter in the bible, and Bugs was sarcastically calling Elmer Fud that name, but people didn’t realise and just assumed it was a word that meant that.
It Happened One Night is one of just 3 films to win all 5 of the major Academy Awards: best picture, best screenplay, best director, best actor & actress. The other two are Silence of the Lambs and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
Fun fact: carrots aren’t good for rabbits. We only link them because of Bugs Bunny, who was parodying a popular movie of the time, Clark Gable in It Happened One Night
Two fun facts.
First, Bugs is also responsible for the word “Nimrod” meaning “moron”. Nimrod is a great hunter in the bible, and Bugs was sarcastically calling Elmer Fud that name, but people didn’t realise and just assumed it was a word that meant that.
It Happened One Night is one of just 3 films to win all 5 of the major Academy Awards: best picture, best screenplay, best director, best actor & actress. The other two are Silence of the Lambs and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
But they do enjoy them and it’s ok to give as a treat sometimes.
Not Shoot 'em Up?