so much to organize, damn you humble bundle

    2 months ago

    I was playing this game too much, with complex system which never actually encouraged me to play any of the games I have categorized (and I had similar system as OP). Please dear fellow gamers - don’t fall into same trap =)

    Now I have only 4:

    • WTP - want to play games, be them new or on repeat.
    • VR - same as WTP, but for VR.
    • Done - for games which are finished, but I have a feeling that I would like to recall them several years later.
    • Done-done - for games which I’m not going to ever play again. Either bad games, or which have fully fulfilled their purpose and there is nothing to do anymore.

    I use recent sorting, which help a lot to mitigate any kind of lock on what to play today. It’s more like recommendation

    I am trying to free myself from finishing games 100% and avoid all side/boring activities, also now I’m free to pick whichever game I want, instead of planned (like work) consumption with previous system.

    It has really brighten my playtime, now it feels more like joy than before.