• hactar42@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    I bought a 70" TV back in 2015 and it worked great until a couple of months ago when the screen suddenly went black. No amount of resetting or messing with it would fix it. Ended up ordering a new main board for around $125. Installed the new board and the TV works again. In fact I’m convinced the picture actually looks better.

    During my research I found a lot of information about LED TVs. They basically only have 4 parts. A main board, LED backlight, LCD controller, and T Con board. From what I heard purple screens are often a cause of bad cables or the T-Con board. They are not complex, so if you are comfortable removing the back and messing with ribbon cables, then you can easily replace any part. Just try searching your model number on YouTube.

    If you do go this route beware, there are a lot of places that say they have the boards, but they’re really just a repair service. I was able to find a replacement board at shortcircuitsolution.com.