Wake up babe, new first/second/third world definitions just dropped.
Wake up babe, new first/second/third world definitions just dropped.
They released a Halo 2?!
“Yeah I was all for Obama until he put on that tan suit”
Professional shitposting tool
Its perfect code. It needs no updates. Ignore the open issues about it crashing on startup.
I’m actually surprised at how benign this report is. It’s all stuff we more or less already know. I wanted to see the couches.
Are split peas and chickpeas not beans?
This is 90s thinking. Why must terminal emulators only be text and only do things that a physical terminal could?
I keep trying to imagine what abandoning TTY interfaces in Linux would look like and I can’t comprehend the rework that would be required. It’s so fundamentally different.
For example, how would the SSH protocol work? How would that be compatible? Would we have to abandon SSH or always X forward?
There is definitely a pressure to extend beyond standard TTY. Tmux captures mouse action and has a window management system. fish shell has autocomplete. But both of these still use the same medium of text.
I may simply lack imagination.
TIL viu exists.
I think the issue fundamentally is that this isn’t what terminal emulators are. The terminal emulator initializes a TTY session and enters a shell environment (sh, zsh, fish, etc). The medium is text and cannot be anything else.
Begin able to view images in the terminal would be amazing alone - just like you can cat a text file. I would hate to need to launch a GUI program every time I wanted to see what was inside a text file but that is exactly what I need to do for images or PDFs.
Would be convenient. There are things like neofetch’s backend capabilities that magically embeds images, but I don’t know how it works and it might not be scalable.
Being able to collapse the output of a command would be nice as well.
Skill issue. Pipe your output to something (like a file or the “less” command)
They should put controls on lathes and mills to prevent making guns. Metal guns are a lot more effective than plastic guns anyways. /s
The AmericanCopsAreOnlyBastards brigade
Khan was arrested by Canadian police near the border in Quebec
It’s called a LTS (Long Term Support) builds versus the current build. There is even sometimes ELTS (Extended Long Term Support)
(Please do not start a Linux discussion by replying to this comment)
Nah. You can still do that on X (formally Twitter)