I was like 6 years old when my dad randomly told me that if a player dies during a football game, the others players have to eat him before the game can continue.
I never watched sports so I didn’t even question it lol
I was like 6 years old when my dad randomly told me that if a player dies during a football game, the others players have to eat him before the game can continue.
I never watched sports so I didn’t even question it lol
A big bowl of japanese curry and rice is hard to beat
I think they said last night that CIG has about 1500 employees in total.
I’m guessing you know about HyruleGuessr already, because that’s the exact thing you’re describing!
It shows your current streak, and whether you’ve completed today’s lesson, just helps me remember
I don’t even need the icons honestly, I’ve had this layout for years so opening the apps has become muscle memory for me
I like to keep mine clean, but the Duolingo widget is a bit of an eyesore right now
I’m using Lines Free for icons, and Custom Search Bar Widget for my custom search bar widget
can’t wait for AI to become super smart only for it to be nihilistic as hell