Fellas, is it gay for your girlfriend to touch your dick?
Yes. The only way to make it less gay is to touch your girlfriend’s dick.
Edit: You’re all whiny babies.
Are you crazy or what
It’s obviously only right when your device in question is in fact a sock
The guy is paraphrasing a YouTuber named ShoeOnHead and I’m pointing it out. Don’t go on a whole fucking tangent about something that doesn’t make sense to you because maybe that’s because you’re not in on it.
Don’t make obscure references and expect people to get them. Saying “Shoe?” makes you look like a weirdo. Could’ve said ShoeOnHead. And that “looks weird” is comming from someone who actually knows who you are talking about and knows the quote.
I don’t expect you to get my reference. I expect the guy I replied to who made the reference to think it’s nice that I recognized his reference. You don’t need to participate in the exchange at all! An inside joke owes outsiders nothing.
How is it an inside joke? Dude made a statement. You thought they were “paraphrasing a content creator” and asked “shoe?” as if everyone on this world would somehow find you saying “this content creator?” funny. It’s not a joke. It’s a bad reference to something she said about an entirely different thing. It isn’t a joke when someone tells a joke and someone asks “Ricky Gervais?”.
lol what a stupid thing to assume and get mad at. You are cringe as fuck son.
Oh so I’m the one on a tantrum here, huh?
Yes. Obviously. You even downvoted me over your own misunderstanding.
A lot of people downvoted you because you are acting like a dick. Assuming that people are the Holy Spirit and all knowing. Then getting angry when being told to chill.
They don’t gotta be all knowing. They just gotta not come after me for knowing someone they don’t.
I did? Whoa, didn’t know that, can your prove it?
You seriously need to look up the definition of the word tangent my friend because you’re using it wrong.
It’s not a tangent if it’s one sentence.
deleted by creator
Buddy, you’re gonna feel really silly after you read this: https://www.google.com/search?q=tangent&oq=tangent&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBBzgzOWowajeoAg-wAgE&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ebo=0
You’ve posted to a Google search, not an actual page so I have no idea which one I’m supposed to be embarrassed by. I looked at the first few results and none of them embarrass me, so you’re going to have to direct me.
You’re dumber than you came off the first time. Come back when you’re not gonna can others stupid for your own contradiction of the dictionary.
So what if this is the tangent of dick what is the cosin
Why? It’s a Twitter reference if anything
I guess I only ever heard Shoe say it since I never used Twitter.
Totally uncomfortable with the existence of their own dick, plus dating a girl. Quick maths, anon is a lesbian.
Fake and transpilled
Fake and gay
Drag doesn’t believe in lesbians. Drag thinks they’re just gay women. There’s no reason gay women are special in a way that gay men and gay enbies aren’t. The only reason we have the word lesbian, is because sexist old men didn’t think women could really be gay. We should just get rid of the word and say gay woman instead.
Bad take.
You’re erasing the existence of Sappho, who was so gay for girls that the island she came from—the place heretofore unknown for anything—is now known for just how goddamn queer she was, and everyone who experiences sapphic love (hey, another word that got coined off of one poet’s fantastically omnipresent woman lust).
Lesbians. Sapphic lesbians. From Lesbos. That Sappho started. Why?
Girls pretty.
And yet nobody calls gay men thessalians, despite Achilles being from Thessaly. It’s because we don’t need to, we already have the word gay. The only reason we don’t just use the word gay for women, is that homophobes thought women couldn’t be gay. They needed a euphemism. We don’t need a euphemism.
Let’s make things clear: you don’t need a euphemism.
I want more euphemisms. I want this language to have some goddamn options and I want the number of words in this language to never fucking decrease for any reason.
Drag thinks that means you want words like aryan and the N word with the hard R to stick around, and drag doesn’t like that opinion.
Every single one of those words should exist. Even the slurs. That way, we know who’s trouble.
Motherfucker, I do not believe I made myself clear, so allow me to retort:
Languages should not ever shrink at all. Ever. Shrinking languages is some nazi-ass, 1984-ass fascist shit.
Isn’t that kind of hypocritical for you to say, though?
We should just get rid of the word and say gay woman instead
Or how ‘bout this radical idea - we should let lesbians decide what word to call themselves? It’s awfully odd to decide to redefine a group of people without getting that group’s input on the matter.
It has come to my attention that many homosexual women— myself included— struggle to identify with the label “lesbian” and prefer the all-encompassing terms “queer” or “gay.” As I reflect on my own coming-out experience, I recall an instant desire to distance myself from the word entirely
Numerous factors, such as false media representation, negative stereotypes, and fetishization, have resulted in the rejection of the term lesbian by today’s queer women. So, I pose the question: with such a tainted image of the lesbian persona, is the word worth saving and reclaiming? As the modern queer women reject their pre-determined submissive gender roles, is it time for a new term to take the stage?
These days, the word lesbian is a weapon, for TERFs and biphobes and exclusionists of all stripes. And what was I defending it for, in the first place? So I could go on using a different word for feminine gayness because femininity is so different from other gender presentations?
I don’t use the word anymore because I’m a good deal convinced that the bigots may as well have it. It never brought the lot of us any actual good in My lifetime. Maybe one day, “lesbian” will mean a transphobic gay woman. And the rest of us “sapphics”, if you must put a specific label on it, will just be accepted as normal-ass gay people, the same as gay people of any gender identity.
Thank you for including these perspectives. This is the kind of context that puts the big picture together.
I apologize for coming off rude. It’s not easy to tell online which perspective a person is arguing from, or if they are arguing in good faith. I appreciate that you provided additional information and viewpoints from other people. It gives me something new to think about.
I don’t know that I agree, or really have the basis to form an opinion, but upvote for sharing your opinion.
Fellas, is it gay for a girl to like dick?
absolutely only men should like dick that’s why I put balls on my truck
Well it involves dick so it’s gay in my book.
Anon has a girlfriend? Gay.
And also fake.
18m? Anon must be good at basketball.
It’s his age, idiot. Anon is eighteen minutes old.
“Right you are John, and what rebound game he has. Really a stand out this season for them for sure.”
No wayyy that’s why my girl does this, I learned about sex from 4chan, kill me.
That’s an interesting narrators switch I can see here
It’s art.
It is
Fake: Anon has a GF
Gay: Anon is very gay
What is this gf anon is talking about? I thought they are mythical.
I remeber one of the first dates I took a girl on she did this at the drive in. I was like ayy yoo lmao.
Same the other way around.