Man, I’m so glad this shit is illegal on multiple levels in Europe.
Man, I’m so glad this shit is illegal on multiple levels in Europe.
In other news:
!remindme 5 years.
so far… if you are not ready to actually defend your rights, they can be taken away on a whim.
!remindme 2 years
A: late-stage capitalism
Surveillance mode activated.
I’d rather drink a verification can every 30 minutes.
Better fire the productive ones min maxing work
Over my rotting, worm riddled carcas.
Hope they’re ready to see me naked all day.
This, but usually i shirt cock for the VCs
Over my dead body.
Removed by mod
But then you don’t get to spy on your employees.
I work from home
companies do this to people working remotely as well
How? I have tape over my camera.
Also I installed the OS myself.
I distrust the microphone more than I do the camera. They can gather a LOT more information using the microphone. When I got my computer, I opened it up and physically disconnected both the camera and microphone. Now, when I need to be on a video conference, I use a webcam to plug in to my USB. Otherwise, all that is off by physical impossibility.
Disconnecting the microphone is valid, but why don’t you trust a piece of tape over the camera?
Tape will work. But if you are opening up a laptop anyway, you might as well just do a physical disconnect and plan on relying on a webcam when needed.
The less external things I have to lug around with my laptop, the better