So tell me, what do you call the object drawn in this picture, taken from a popular Linux operating system?
Say my name.
Evil GUI bloat
The ugly truth.
It’s a file.
Everything is a file!!
This mouse? Believe it or not, file.
Do people actually get mad over that? Why?
I feel like the only people who actually care are the type who wrap their entire personality around which OS they use
“I use arch btw”
Arch is bloat, I use Linux from scratch (by the way)
Damn that’s a lot of Linux users tho
AkTuAlLy iT’s GnU + linUX
“I use Linux as my operating system,” I state proudly to the unkempt, bearded man. He swivels around in his desk chair with a devilish gleam in his eyes, ready to mansplain with extreme precision. “Actually”, he says with a grin, "Linux is just the kernel. You use GNU+Linux!’ I don’t miss a beat and reply with a smirk, “I use Alpine, a distro that doesn’t include the GNU coreutils, or any other GNU code. It’s Linux, but it’s not GNU+Linux.”
The smile quickly drops from the man’s face. His body begins convulsing and he foams at the mouth and drops to the floor with a sickly thud. As he writhes around he screams “I-IT WAS COMPILED WITH GCC! THAT MEANS IT’S STILL GNU!” Coolly, I reply “If windows was compiled with gcc, would that make it GNU?” I interrupt his response with “-and work is being made on the kernel to make it more compiler-agnostic. Even you were correct, you wont be for long.”
With a sickly wheeze, the last of the man’s life is ejected from his body. He lies on the floor, cold and limp. I’ve womansplained him to death.
I think when I’m in terminal I call them directories but otherwise I’ll click and open a folder in my file manager
I call them folders (especially with normies) with no regret. Fight me!
I use them interchangeably and I’ve never had a layperson get that glassy eyed stare they get when I talk about IT stuff they don’t understand.
Do the power move and call them dictionaries.
I’ve been using nothing but Linux at home and work for 20 years and it’s news to me that these words are not equal synonyms.
You’re all wrong. The official term is “foldirectory”.
Alternatively you fully commit to it and alias cf to cd
I had a new employee ask me what I meant when I used the word directory. They had never heard ‘directory’ used in that context. It has only been known as a folder to some people.
I use both terms. If I’m accessing it from a GUI, it’s a folder. From the command line, it’s a directory.
Yeah i get this
A folder is the visual representation of a directory. A reasonable desktop GUI exposes the underlying files & directories as file icons and directory windows. If your abstraction leaks, that’s a bug in your code, not something to beat the other guy up with. It is quite possible to be both a Linux dork and a classic Mac dork.
I’ve literally executed code with &!&
Explain logic to me again?
First shalt thou take out the Holy Filter. Then shalt thou Internet four porn, no more, no less. Four shall be the number thou shalt porn, and the porn of the Internet shall be four. Five shalt thou not porn, neither Internet thou three porn, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Six is right out. Once the number four, being the relationship of porn to the Internet, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall wank off.
But they’re called both in all operating systems. Windows command line has a dir command.
Amiga Workbench called them drawers. I’m sticking with drawers.
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