Yeah i always hated that you couldn’t do the quest without killing him, fuck that noise i’d rather have an unfinishable quest rather than kill my boy Party
There is a mod for this.
Required mod for new games, along with SkyUI and the big bug fixes. “Nah, we aren’t doing that and I’m dragonborn so that’s the end of that discussion.”
I always loved the “we are the blades and we serve the dragonborn” followed closely by “you have to kill Parthurnaax or fuck off, we don’t give a shit who you are”
Delphine - walks slowly to deliberately irritate you
Partysnax- flys
I hope that whatever game (if they ever finish another elder scrolls game lol) comes after skyrim they make it canon that the dragonborn didn’t kill parthurnax since pretty much everyone collectively decided not to